Ridgeview Structures has two convenient locations in Dillsburg, PA and Loysville, PA. Stop by one of our locations or contact us to set up an appointment!

Retail Sales Lot: Dillsburg, PA
607 N. US Route 15, Dillsburg, PA 17019
Office: 717-432-5925
Cell: 717-443-0434
Fax: 717-432-5939
Mon-Wed: Appointment Only
Thurs-Fri: 10 AM-4PM, Sat: 10 AM-3:30 PM

Manufacturing & Vinyl Shed Sales: Loysville, PA
1066 Cardinal Hill Rd., Loysville, PA 17047
Office: 717-789-4949
Cell: 717-437-4100
Fax: 717-789-3719
Mon-Fri: 6 AM-4:30 PM